Pay for Hesitation: Notes of Flash Authoring Tool


2010年3月3日 星期三

Notes of Flash Authoring Tool

下面的flash 為 flash authoring tool的簡稱.

1. library中的symbol只有被用到的, 才會compile進.swf

2. 僅管用一個symbol在 stage上拉出多個instance, compiler 只會load一個symbol content, 直到runtime 才會動態duplicate.

3. An instance variable created in a frame script is not initialized until that frame script executes.
(這就是為什麼document class一開始只能自動bind到1st frame中的instance, 其它frame中的instance都無法自動binding)

4. 同上. Code in a .swf file’s document class constructor method can access all manually placed child assets on the .swf file’s first frame but not on the second or subsequent frames (because assets on a subsequent frame are not added as display children until the playhead reaches that

4. document class -> main timeline class (flash 中可以針對每個keyframe 寫script code, 但是其實在compile時, 會被編成一個document class. 此外, document class有自己的timeline(main)及stage.
5. linked class -> movie clip symbols, 每個movie clip symbol都有自己的timeline及stage
