Pay for Hesitation: Getting the total percent loaded from Bulkloader with AS3


2011年5月15日 星期日

Getting the total percent loaded from Bulkloader with AS3

The bad News:
Without knowing the total bytes we can’t calculate a percentage. Each file added to BulkLoader’s queue occupies 1 connection. If there are more files than there are connections, BulkLoader can’t accurately retrieve the sizes of those files waiting for a connection to free up.

This means that the percentLoaded will be 0 almost until all items are loaded, and then it will jump abruptly. Worse, each time a new connection is open, the bytesTotal would jump around (it would add the bytesTotal for the new item). To mitigate this issue, bytesTotal will remain 0 until all file sizes are known.”

Getting the Total Percent Loaded from BulkLoader with Flash ActionScript 3
