Resource Management Strategies in Flash Player 9
Performance Report by Jackson Dunstan
Accessing Object ( "[]"operator, "." operator, "in" operator, "hasOwnProperty()" comparison, written by Jackson)
Activation Object( The cost of function closure, written by Jackson)
When measuring Flash runtime performance, always be sure to test in the release version, not in the debug version. The release version is often more than two times faster than the debug version. (Essential AS3 p.666)
Performance Report by Jackson Dunstan
Accessing Object ( "[]"operator, "." operator, "in" operator, "hasOwnProperty()" comparison, written by Jackson)
Activation Object( The cost of function closure, written by Jackson)
When measuring Flash runtime performance, always be sure to test in the release version, not in the debug version. The release version is often more than two times faster than the debug version. (Essential AS3 p.666)