AS3 Crypto Library
AS3編碼的third-party library...
支援下面多種編碼方式: (我幾乎都沒聽過,明年去修系上新老師的密碼學好了..orz)
TLS 1.0 support, exposed through TLSSocket and TLSEngine classes
X.509 Certificate support, including parsing, and validation
built-in list of common root Certificate Authorities
symmetric ciphers: AES, Blowfish, DES, 3DES, XTEA, RC4
confidentiality modes: CTR, CBC, CFB, CFB-8, OFB, ECB
public key crypto: RSA (encryption, decryption, signing, verifying and key generation)
padding: PKCS#1 (type 1 and 2), PKCS#5
BigInteger library
hashing function: SHA-256, SHA-224, SHA-1, MD5, MD2
HMAC support
prng: TLSPRF and stream-cypher-based PRNG.
minimal ASN-1/DER support for PEM key parsing and X-509 cert parsing
Crypto - Shortcut class to access many classes above.
Hex, Base64 - Static methods to convert binary data to and from text formats